The Mentalist

Monday, January 19, 2009

How to Hypnotize Someone - Develop Your Ability

When you learn how to hypnotize someone, it is not just a skill that can be used to impress your friends, but it can help you achieve more success, become more wealthy, win arguments every time, and even quit smoking or lose weight.

While the ability to use untapped powers of the mind have been around for centuries, until now the skill was a well kept secret among a tight circle of expert hypnotists. Recently though, some of the greatest hypnotists have taken their abilities a step further and created programs that allow you to learn how to hypnotize someone.

One of the most powerful forms of hypnosis is conversational hypnosis, which is often referred to as covert hypnosis. Conversational hypnosis allows you to hypnotize anyone - regardless if they know you are hypnotizing them or not. This is how you can use the ability to make more friends or appear more attractive, convince your boss to give you promotions and realize your great ideas, and make your children want to do their homework. Conversational hypnosis is the most powerful form of hypnosis because you can get anyone to do just about anything you suggest.

Unfortunately this ability is so powerful it is often used for evil. There have been many instances of thieves robbing stores by simply asking store clerks to open their drawer and hand all the money over to them. Skilled artists have been known to even walk up to strangers and ask them to voluntarily hand over their wallets and calmly walk away. Only when it is too late does the subject realize, "I don't know what came over me."

Thankfully, a lot of good can come out of developing these skills. Imagine being able to help your friends and family become more healthy or helping yourself attract money in a way that will come to you. When used with good intentions, hypnosis can get you from point A to point B at an incredibly high rate.

The sooner you get started at developing your skills, the quicker you can help yourself and those around you achieve your goals. To learn how to hypnotize, download your free hypnosis training guide by going to
