Hypnosis - Powerful Change
So why can't I just change this feeling about me? Why can't I just recognize what the problem is? Why can't I rationally make a decision to stop that behavior and go on with my life without it? Why do so many people need counselors, talk therapists, and psychologists? And why after seeing these mental health professionals are some people still not healed? Talk therapy is useful and therapeutic. We need physiatrists, psychologists and social workers. My old office was located in a building where I became friendly with a licensed MSW (Master of Social Work).
When speaking to her one day, describing my situation with my soon to be X she simply moved her hands in front of me. One went up, and one went down like a scale. I asked her excitedly, "What did you just do?" She said that my wife has a personality disorder. When she meets someone new that person is placed upon a pedestal and the person that she's with instantly falls away, thrown out like gum that has lost its flavor. Through her words and this simple hand action she healed me more than she could possibly know. Through this I found out that I had married a person that has a narcissist personality disorder, fits her like a glove. Through conscious talk therapy I was greatly healed but the feelings were still there, I was so deeply hurt. How do I eliminate that? Finding and eliminating a deep seeded problem boils down to getting around that critical factor. You can think of this critical factor as though it's a watchdog.
When you're awake, he's awake and on guard. He's got his paw out saying, "Wow, I really like what I'm hearing but it doesn't match with the current programming therefore I will reject it." What this really means is that the person likes what they hear and it may help them for a brief period of time but ultimately it will not change them. Herein lies the power of hypnosis! You can think of hypnosis as putting that watchdog to sleep for a little while and then whispering in his ear new positive suggestions for change. When the hypnosis session is over, "On the count of three, eye's wide open and fully alert, one, two, three" - that watch dog pops back up, back at his post, but something has changed. The new program is now online! You have placed a critical factor perception on everything in your world.
On objects, feelings, people, situations, etc. Here's a good example. I had a woman come into my office and tell me that she has had a life long problem with men and relationships. She isn't interested in the "Nice guys." She keeps finding the wrong men, men who always end up treating her poorly. She found herself in one turbulent relationship after the next. Why couldn't she be interested in anyone who treated her nicely? We discovered that in her youth her parents argued a lot, it even became physical on some occasions but in the end they always made up. They would yell, swear, and even slap each other but they always made up and told each other that they loved each other.
So this woman's critical factor became programmed as: Love = Conflict. Can you now understand how this critical factor can keep you separated from your desired changes? Your conscious mind really wants to lose weight, quit smoking or end the depression, but it's battling that inner program(s), that perception/feeling in the subconscious. "My father took me to McDonalds every time I got an A on my report card or any time I would do my chores without him asking me to." When this person became fat and desperately wanted to stop eating at fast food restaurants but couldn't, why is that?
Well, now you know...Author Tim Bartley
Excerpt from the book Hypno Healing by Tim Bartley
Hypnosis and how our minds work. An excerpt from the book Hypno Healing by Tim Bartley. For more information go to: http://ThoughtBecomesReality.com
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