The Mentalist

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Covert Hypnosis Secret

Covert hypnosis is a powerful, under-the-radar form of hypnosis. Unlike traditional clinical hypnosis, where the subject is intentionally put under a trance, covert hypnosis works by affecting the subjects subconscious mind, without them being consciously aware of it.

These subconscious suggestions can be made throughout normal, everyday conversation without the subject ever knowing about it.

Although very few people know the covert hypnosis secret, there are many different uses for this skill. For example, a salesperson can use this skill to influence his clients to buy more products. A bachelor can use these skills to build rapport and attract members of the opposite sex that hes attracted to.

The power behind covert hypnosis is from the fact that it bypasses conscious awareness. Normally, when given any kind of suggestion, thought, or command, the conscious mind will resist with objections. For example, if the hypnotherapist suggests that chocolate just doesnt seem appealing anymore, the conscious mind might say yeah right I still want that bar of chocolate. Or the salesman may say something about the client feeling totally safe and at ease driving his new car Again, the client may say or think But product X was better.

By going under the conscious mind, the subject never gets a chance to object and the suggestion goes straight to his subconscious mind. This way, the suggestion is taken in and affects its influence without ever being blocked by the e subconscious.

When applied, covert hypnosis secrets can be used in many different ways. They may be verbal Suggestions weaved into normal conversation, through word intonations, trance stories, and hypnotic patterns. They may be nonverbal Pacing someones body language and emotional state and changing it by leading them in another direction.

To learn more about covert hypnosis secrets, visit
